NEWS: Isoveli valvoo ilman foliohattua

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Re: NEWS: Isoveli valvoo ilman foliohattua

#391 Post by Sasse netä » 14 Feb 2020, 10:09

grillimakkaratortilloita wrote:
13 Feb 2020, 18:27
Yankeeta vituttaa kun kiinalainen toimittaa paremmat laitteet halvemmalla
Enemmän harmittaa että omat exploitit ei toimi.
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Lana Ctrl-Alt-Del Rey
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Re: NEWS: Isoveli valvoo ilman foliohattua

#392 Post by Lana Ctrl-Alt-Del Rey » 14 Feb 2020, 10:41

top 4 hevibändit wrote:
14 Feb 2020, 10:09
grillimakkaratortilloita wrote:
13 Feb 2020, 18:27
Yankeeta vituttaa kun kiinalainen toimittaa paremmat laitteet halvemmalla
Enemmän harmittaa että omat exploitit ei toimi.
Niin, siis jos Kiinalla on backdoorit se tarkoittaa, että meillä ei ole backdooreja. :himpatti:
He was sairas.


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Re: NEWS: Isoveli valvoo ilman foliohattua

#393 Post by Pasi Fist » 11 Apr 2020, 09:44

Tappajarobotit rajalle vaan!

Onneksi ei varmaan kovin kauaa mene siitä kun/jos ne nuo systeeminsä saa, että sika/filthit haluaa samanlaisen järjestelmän.
”Mielikuvitus on rajana” – Suomi haluaa tehostaa raja­valvontaansa, ja nyt tehtävään suunnitellaan voiman­käyttöön kykenevää tekoälyä

Maarajan ja merialueen tekninen valvonta aiotaan uudistaa. Jatkossa rajavalvonta nojaisi enemmän tekoälyyn ja voimankäyttöön kykeneviin sensoreihin.

Rajavartiolaitos on aloittanut Suomen maarajan ja merialueen teknisen valvontajärjestelmän uusimisen. Kyseessä on laitoksen tärkein strateginen hanke tällä hetkellä.

Valtion talousarviossa on uudistamiseen myönnetty jo 15 miljoonaa euroa. Sillä on tarkoitus peruskorjata ja ajanmukaistaa nykyistä valvontajärjestelmää.

Suurempi uudistus olisi suunnitelmien mukaan kuitenkin tulossa vuoden 2023 jälkeen.

Silloin haluttaisiin aloittaa iso modernisointi, jossa uusittaisiin kokonaan nykyisen valvontajärjestelmän taustalla oleva järjestelmä. Tälle ei ole vielä rahoitusta, mutta se olisi joka tapauksessa kymmeniä miljoonia euroja vaativa hanke.

Rajavartiolaitoksen maarajojen tekninen valvontajärjestelmä (mrtv) on luotu 1990-luvun alkupuolella. Järjestelmää pidetään jo teknisesti vanhentuneena ja ratkaisuiltaan kirjavana.

Mrtv on ohjelmisto sekä sensori- ja paikkatietojärjestelmä, jonka tehtävänä on hälyttää luvattomasta rajanylityksestä. Se myös osin tunnistaa hälytyksen aiheuttajan.

Järjestelmään kuuluu muun muassa erilaisia kameroita, tutkia ja liiketunnistimia.

”Se on ollut sen ajan digitalisaatiohanke. Toimintaperiaate on, että siinä on erilaisia sensoreita sekä tietoliikenteen siirtoyhteydet. Sitten on tietojärjestelmä, jossa sensoritietoa käsitellään”, kertoo prikaatikenraali Jari Tolppanen Rajavartiolaitoksen esikunnasta.

”Se on ollut myös iso tuottavuushanke aikoinaan. Olemme laskeneet, että jos tämä purettaisiin, meidän pitäisi kohdentaa valvontaan noin 150 henkilötyövuotta, että saisimme saman suorituskyvyn.”

Tolppasen mukaan mrtv-järjestelmään on nyt kertynyt ”mittava korjausvelka”, minkä syynä ovat julkishallinnon leikkaukset.

”Meidän on vain pitänyt jättää jotain tekemättä. Myös teknisen alan henkilöstöä on vähennetty, jolloin sen ylläpito on ollut välillä hankalaa. Se on osin vanhentunut ja osin tietyillä alueilla jo epäluotettava.”

Suomen itärajalle rakentama maarajan tekninen valvontajärjestelmä on alun perin Rajavartiolaitoksen itse kehittämä.

Myöhemmin markkinoille on tullut myös kaupallisia järjestelmiä, mutta ne ovat Tolppasen mukaan militaari- eli sotilasjärjestelminä liian kalliita Suomelle.

Rajavartiolaitos ei ostakaan uutta järjestelmää, vaan peruskorjaa nykyistä.

”Se on rakentunut eri puolilla Suomea vähän erilaiseksi, kun sitä on tehty hajautetusti. Yhdenmukaistamme sen.”

Suomen itärajalla on neljä rajavartiostoa: Kaakkois-Suomen, Pohjois-Karjalan, Kainuun ja Lapin rajavartiostot.

Jokaisella rajavartiostolla on oma johtokeskuksensa, jossa rajavartijat pitävät yllä rajatilannekuvaa ympäri vuorokauden. Teknisen valvontajärjestelmän hälytykset tulevat näihin keskuksiin.

Johtokeskuksissa tehdään hälytyksistä tilannearvio, ja tarpeen vaatiessa lähetetään esimerkiksi partio liikkeelle.

Jokaisella vartiostolla on johtamisjärjestelmä, johon kuuluu vartioston komentaja, yleisjohtaja ja kenttäjohtaja, joka viime kädessä johtaa partioita.

He vastaavat tietystä maantieteellisestä vartiostoalueesta, ja heillä on eräänlainen omistajuus vartioston alueen tekniseen valvontajärjestelmään.

Suomen molemmissa merivartiostoissa eli Suomenlahden ja Länsi-Suomen merivartiostoissa on samantyyppiset johtokeskukset, joissa käsitellään teknisen valvontajärjestelmän tuottamat hälytykset.

Merialueen valvonta perustuu kiinteisiin tutkiin ja kameroihin, joita täydentävät veneissä, laivoissa ja ilma-aluksissa olevat sensorit.

Maa- ja merialueelle rakennettu tekninen valvontajärjestelmä on ollut alun alkaen kiinteä. Sen rinnalle on tullut ja tulee erilaisia mobiileja eli liikuteltavia valvontamenetelmiä.

Kyse on massamaisesti käytettävistä taktisista kameroista eli käytännössä riistakameroista sekä kameralla varustetuista lennokeista (dronet), joita rajavartijat kuljettavat mukanaan.

”Ja nyt varmasti kehittyy kiinteiden ja partiokohtaisten väliin siirrettäviä, hieman järeämpiä järjestelmiä, joissa voi olla vaikka robotti tai itsenäisesti, autonomisesti toimiva dronepesä-tyyppinen ratkaisu”, Tolppanen sanoo.

”Siinä voi olla erilaisia sensoreita, joita voidaan viedä tarpeeseen perustuen johonkin kohdealueelle, ja se voidaan kytkeä tähän meidän kiinteään kokonaisjärjestelmään.”

Uusi tekniikka tuo mukanaan myös tekoälysovelluksia, joiden kaikkia mahdollisuuksia ei vielä edes tiedetä. Esimerkiksi valvontakamerat tunnistavat jo ihmisen.

”Tätä me tulemme ilman muuta hyödyntämään. Tähän asti sensori on antanut hälytyksen, ja sitten rajavartija on johtokeskuksessa selvittänyt, että mikä sen hälytyksen aiheutti tutkimalla kamerakuvaa. Nyt kamera kertoo suoraan, oliko se ihminen vai eläin.”

Rajavartiolaitos on hakenut EU:n rahastoista jo yli kymmenen vuoden ajan rahoitusta teknisen valvontajärjestelmänsä kehittämiseen.

Rahastojen tuista selviää, että EU-rahalla on lisätty muun muassa valvontajärjestelmän syvyyttä ja laajuutta hankkimalla kameroita rajavyöhykkeen ulkopuolelle.

Lisäksi on ostettu siirrettäviä ja optronisia, eli elektro-optista teknologiaa sisältäviä, laitteita partioille. Niillä on parannettu tähystyskykyä huonoissa valaistus- ja sääoloissa.

Kaksi vuotta sitten Rajavartiolaitos sai rahaa kamera- ja ilmaisintiheyden kasvattamiseen rajavalvonnan kannalta tärkeässä Kaakkois-Suomessa.

Sisäisen turvallisuuden rahaston kansallisesta toimeenpano-ohjelmasta selviää, että rahaa on haettu uudenlaiselle sensori-, analyysi-, tiedonsiirto- ja tallennustekniikalle. Tarkoituksena on laajentaa nykyjärjestelmän kattavuutta ja laatua.

Ohjelman mukaan ”hankinnan tuloksena sensoreiden ja ohjelmistojen avulla kyetään havaitsemaan ja tunnistamaan kohteita huomattavan etäältä ja kaikissa näkyvyysolosuhteissa”. Osaan valvontatekniikasta yhdistetään myös kohteeseen vaikutuskyky.

Tolppanen kertoo, että kohteeseen vaikuttamiskyvyllä viitataan esimerkiksi lennokkeja havaitseviin sensoreihin, joihin voi olla yhdistettynä mahdollisuus pudottaa lennokki alas häiritsemällä ohjaussignaalia.

Joissain sensoreissa vaikuttaminen voi olla myös aseellista voimankäyttöä.

”Mielikuvitus on rajana.”

Tolppanen ei ota kantaa, minkälaisia vaikuttamiskykyisiä sensoreita Rajavartiolaitos on hankkinut tai hankkimassa. Hän muistuttaa, että niiden käyttö vaatii laissa säädetyn toimivallan.

Rajan teknisen valvonnan lisäksi Rajavartiolaitoksella on työn alla kaksi muuta isoa hankintaa: kahden vanhentuvan valvontalentokoneen ja kolmen vartiolaivan korvaaminen.

Merivartiostolla on nyt käytössään kolme ulkovartiolaivaa. Neljäs eli Merikarhu poistettiin vanhentuneena käytöstä viime vuonna.

Vartiolaivoista Turva on muita isompi ja modernimpi, sillä se otettiin käyttöön vuonna 2014. Sen peruskorjaus on suunniteltu tehtäväksi vasta vuonna 2029.

Sen sijaan Tursas ja Uisko on rakennettu 1980-luvulla. Ne on jo kerran peruskorjattu, ja niiden elinkaari päättyy 2025–2026.

Rajavartiolaitoksen tavoitteena on, että Merikarhu, Tursas ja Uisko korvattaisiin kahdella uudella isolla vartiolaivalla.

Uusien alusten pitäisi olla samaa kokoluokkaa kuin Turva, jotta niillä olisi riittävä öljynkeräyskapasiteetti.

Toistaiseksi poliittista tahtoa ja rahoitusta uusille aluksille ei vielä ole ilmennyt. Pahimmassa tapauksessa Suomella olisi viiden vuoden päästä vain yksi merivartiolaiva.

”Tämä on Rajavartiolaitokselle ja Suomelle tärkeä asia, koska kyky merellisissä turvallisuustehtävissä perustuu siihen, että meillä on ajanmukainen aluskalusto”, Tolppanen sanoo.

Sen sijaan Rajavartiolaitoksen kaksi vuonna 1995 rakennettua Dornier-valvontalentokonetta on hallitusohjelmassa päätetty korvata uusilla koneilla.

Rajavartiolaitos teki oman selvityksen siitä, olisiko koneet voitu korvata jollain muulla järjestelmällä, kuten lennokeilla, mutta päätyi siihen, etteivät lennokkiratkaisut ole vielä kypsiä käyttöön otettaviksi. Selvitys on turvaluokiteltu eli se ei ole julkinen.

Uusien lentokoneiden hankinta alkaa tänä vuonna järjestettävällä tietopyyntökierroksella.

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Re: NEWS: Isoveli valvoo ilman foliohattua

#394 Post by Pasi Fist » 14 Apr 2020, 08:04 ... xperts-say
Growth in surveillance may be hard to scale back after pandemic, experts say

Police officers in Szolnok, Hungary, use a drone to find residents failing to comply with the stay-at-home order.

Coronavirus crisis has led to billions of people around the world facing enhanced monitoring

The coronavirus pandemic has led to an unprecedented global surge in digital surveillance, researchers and privacy advocates around the world have said, with billions of people facing enhanced monitoring that may prove difficult to roll back.

Governments in at least 25 countries are employing vast programmes for mobile data tracking, apps to record personal contact with others, CCTV networks equipped with facial recognition, permission schemes to go outside and drones to enforce social isolation regimes.

The methods have been adopted by authoritarian states and democracies alike and have opened lucrative new markets for companies that extract, sell, and analyse private data. One of the world’s foremost experts on mobile phone surveillance said the pandemic had created a “9/11 on steroids” that could lead to grave abuses of power.

“Most of these measures don’t have sunset clauses. They could establish what many people are describing as a new normal,” Ron Deibert, who heads the Citizen Lab at the University of Toronto, said in an interview with the Guardian.

“I think we have to be really vigilant about that to make sure there are appropriate safeguards in place because the potential for the abuse of power is pretty extreme … so it’s a little bit like 9/11 on steroids.”

In China, hundreds of millions have installed mandatory “health code” apps that determine whether users– given colour-coded designations of green, yellow, or red (for confirmed Covid-19 patients) – can travel or leave home.

In Europe, some of the world’s most privacy-conscious governments are collecting telecom data, employing drones and copying contact-tracing apps pioneered in Asia. In the US, Apple and Google have announced they will open up their mobile operating systems to allow for similar apps, which will run on iPhones and Android phones alike.

Moscow, a city of 12 million people, will require citizens to have QR codes for travel on its streets and is seeking to employ its 100,000 surveillance cameras and facial recognition technology to enforce self-isolation schemes.

In India, local authorities have experimented with solutions such as mobile tracking apps, geolocated selfies, and releasing the addresses of coronavirus patients.

With the proliferation of digital surveillance methods, a number of global initiatives have appeared to chart their progress around the globe.

“This isn’t just an issue with authoritarian governments. This is happening across the world,” said Samuel Woodhams, the digital rights lead at the London-based Top10VPN, who has compiled an index of new surveillance measures related to the coronavirus outbreak. “A lot of the technologies we’re seeing are alarmingly similar.”

Whether that surveillance is eventually rolled back will depend on public oversight.

“[The crisis] has shown that negative technology can appear around the world, including in the west,” said Artem Kozlyuk, the head of the Moscow-based Roskomsvoboda internet rights group, which has released a global tracker called Pandemic Big Brother. “But we suspect that these measures are going to be under greater public control in western democracies than in not-entirely democratic regimes.”

Israel, with its global reputation for both state and private sector intelligence gathering technology, was quick to implement surveillance on a national scale, initially with phone tracking measures endorsed by the prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu. Lawmakers, however, opposed a proposal from the hardline defence minister, Naftali Bennett, to involve a private sector company in data analysis, which was later identified as the controversial Israeli spyware company the NSO Group.

Bennett had outlined a system in tweets that would give people a rating of one to 10 on their likelihood of carrying the virus, based on their movements and other factors.

Israel is not using an NSO-developed system but a person familiar with the company said a “handful of governments” were already piloting the software it made to track the virus.

An NSO spokesperson said it did not operate the platform it developed and data was not shared with the company. It denied any invasion of privacy. “The data required to operate the system by authorities and governments is statistical and aggregated, not personal data,” the spokesperson said.

Campaigners have also warned the focus on surveillance measures may be diverting resources from health-focused approaches,such as improving testing capability or supplying hospitals with more medical equipment.

“It’s this kind of technological ‘solutionism’ that might look good on paper but is actually undermining efforts to fight the disease in the long run,” said Edin Omanovic, advocacy director at the London-based charity Privacy International.

Contact-tracing apps and other methods to identify those who have been in contact with people infected with the disease were pioneered in Asia. Hong Kong issues tracking wristbands to international arrivals that connect to a StayHomeSafe mobile app and a registered “quarantine address”, while Singapore’s TraceTogether app, which uses Bluetooth to find people within two metres of someone diagnosed with Covid-19 for half an hour or more, has been made open source to allow other countries to copy it.

Contact-tracing has been especially effective in South Korea, which has employed GPS data, CCTV footage and and credit card records to identify and warn suspected victims of the disease. But the country’s surveillance push would not have been effective without widespread testing, experts said, allowing officials to quickly confirm new coronavirus cases.

The adoption of tracing apps and other electronic surveillance measures has become a live issue of concern in Brussels, where member states have been warned of the risk to the EU’s “fundamental rights and freedoms”.

Authorities in Poland, the Netherlands, Spain, Ireland and the UK have all either expressed an interest or started to roll out mobile phone apps to help them track and trace those infected with the virus.

The UK health secretary, Matt Hancock, announced plans on Sunday for a Bluetooth-based app that will warn users if they have recently been in close proximity to someone suspected to be infected with the coronavirus. The Dutch health minister, Hugo de Jonge, said last week at least 60% of the population would need to download the Netherlands’ similar app for it be effective. “We are looking at whether you can require everyone to do it,” he said during a press conference.

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Re: NEWS: Isoveli valvoo ilman foliohattua

#395 Post by uusi kusta » 14 Apr 2020, 23:14

The Far-Right Helped Create The World's Most Powerful Facial Recognition Technology
Clearview AI, which has alarmed privacy experts, hired several far-right employees, a HuffPost investigation found.

By Luke O'Brien, HuffPost US

Advanced facial recognition technology poses a mortal threat to privacy. It could grant the government, corporations and even average citizens the ability to capture a photo of anybody and, with a few keystrokes, uncover all kinds of personal details. So when The New York Times published an exposé about a shadowy facial recognition firm called Clearview AI in January, it seemed like the worst nightmare of privacy advocates had arrived.

Clearview is the most powerful form of facial recognition technology ever created, according to the Times. With more than 3 billion photos scraped surreptitiously from social media profiles and websites, its image database is almost seven times the size of the FBI’s. Its mobile app can match names to faces with a tap of a touchscreen. The technology is already being integrated into augmented reality glasses so people can identify almost anyone they look at.

Clearview has contracts with Immigration and Customs Enforcement and the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York, BuzzFeed reported earlier this year, and FBI agents, members of Customs and Border Protection, and hundreds of police officers at departments nationwide are among its users.

With the coronavirus pandemic increasingly throwing the country into chaos and President Donald Trump moving to expand domestic surveillance powers ― in theory, to better map disease spread ― Clearview has sought deeper inroads into government infrastructure and is now in discussions with state agencies to use its technology to track infected people, according to The Wall Street Journal.

Even if you’ve never heard of Clearview, you likely have an online presence — maybe a friend or a relative has posted a photo of you to Facebook — which means you’re probably in its database. Clearview’s CEO and co-founder, Cam-Hoan Ton-That, and his associates chose to mass-violate social media policies against scraping accounts to build an image warehouse of unprecedented size, as several outlets have noted recently.

What hasn’t been reported, however, is even scarier: Exclusive documents obtained by HuffPost reveal that Ton-That, as well as several people who have done work for the company, have deep, longstanding ties to far-right extremists. Some members of this alt-right cabal went on to work for Ton-That.

Clearview stated that it had immediately parted ways with some of these people when HuffPost reached out for comment for this story, but the pervasive links between the company and the alt-right can’t be simply dismissed as a few bad apples.

Big Brother, it turned out, was wearing a MAGA cap...

ja niin edelleen pitkä juttu: ... 08a92a5c48

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Re: NEWS: Isoveli valvoo ilman foliohattua

#396 Post by Pasi Fist » 29 Apr 2020, 10:11 ... -our-users
WhatsApp: Israeli firm 'deeply involved' in hacking our users

NSO Group allegedly connected to hacks of 1,400 people including human rights activists

WhatsApp has alleged in new court filings that an Israeli spyware company used US-based servers and was “deeply involved” in carrying out mobile phone hacks of 1,400 WhatsApp users, including senior government officials, journalists, and human rights activists.

The new claims about NSO Group allege that the Israeli company bears responsibility in serious human rights violations, including the hacking of more than a dozen Indian journalists and Rwandan dissidents.

For years, NSO Group has said that its spyware is purchased by government clients for the purpose of tracking down terrorists and other criminals and that it had no independent knowledge of how those clients – which in the past have reportedly included Saudi Arabia and Mexico – use its hacking software.

But a lawsuit filed by WhatsApp against NSO Group last year – the first of its kind by a major technology company - is revealing more technical details about how the hacking software, Pegasus, is allegedly deployed against targets.

In the court filings last week, WhatsApp said its own investigation into how Pegasus was used against 1,400 users last year showed that servers controlled by NSO Group – not its government clients – were an integral part of how the hacks were executed.

WhatsApp has said victims of the hack received phone calls using its messaging app, and were infected with Pegasus. Then, it said: “NSO used a network of computers to monitor and update Pegasus after it was implanted on users’ devices. These NSO-controlled computers served as the nerve centre through which NSO controlled its customers’ operation and use of Pegasus.”

According to WhatsApp’s filing, NSO gained “unauthorised access” to its servers by reverse-engineering the messaging app and then evading the company’s security features that prevent manipulation of the company’s call features. One WhatsApp engineer who investigated the hacks said in a sworn statement submitted to the court that in 720 instances, the IP address of a remote server was included in the malicious code used in the attacks. The remote server, the engineer said, was based in Los Angeles and owned by a company whose data centre was used by NSO.

NSO has said in legal filings that it has no insight into how government clients use its hacking tools, and therefore does not know who governments are targeting.

But one expert, John Scott-Railton of Citizen Lab, who has worked with WhatsApp on the case, said NSO’s control of the servers involved in the hack suggests the company would have had logs, including IP addresses, identifying the users who were being targeted.

“Whether or not NSO looks at those logs, who knows? But the fact that it could be done is contrary to what they say,” Scott-Railton said.

In a statement to the Guardian, NSO stood by its earlier remarks. “Our products are used to stop terrorism, curb violent crime, and save lives. NSO Group does not operate the Pegasus software for its clients,” the company said. “Our past statements about our business, and the extent of our interaction with our government intelligence and law enforcement agency customers, are accurate.”

The company said it would file its response to the court in coming days.

The new developments in the case come as NSO is facing separate questions about the accuracy of a tracking product it has launched following the outbreak of Covid-19. The new programme, called Fleming, uses mobile phone data and public health information to identify who individuals infected with coronavirus may have come into contact with. A report by NBC last weekend said NSO’s new tool was being marketed in the US.

But in a Twitter thread, Scott-Railton said his analysis showed it was relying on data that appeared very imprecise.

“When you are working with data with this much built-in inaccuracy, it would be pretty intense to issue alerts each time this happened. Or to require quarantines. Or testing. The rates of false positives here would be through the roof. But ... so would false negatives,” he said.
WhatsApp has alleged in new court filings that an Israeli spyware company used US-based servers and was “deeply involved” in carrying out mobile phone hacks of 1,400 WhatsApp users, including senior government officials, journalists, and human rights activists.

The new claims about NSO Group allege that the Israeli company bears responsibility in serious human rights violations, including the hacking of more than a dozen Indian journalists and Rwandan dissidents.

For years, NSO Group has said that its spyware is purchased by government clients for the purpose of tracking down terrorists and other criminals and that it had no independent knowledge of how those clients – which in the past have reportedly included Saudi Arabia and Mexico – use its hacking software.

But a lawsuit filed by WhatsApp against NSO Group last year – the first of its kind by a major technology company - is revealing more technical details about how the hacking software, Pegasus, is allegedly deployed against targets.

In the court filings last week, WhatsApp said its own investigation into how Pegasus was used against 1,400 users last year showed that servers controlled by NSO Group – not its government clients – were an integral part of how the hacks were executed.

WhatsApp has said victims of the hack received phone calls using its messaging app, and were infected with Pegasus. Then, it said: “NSO used a network of computers to monitor and update Pegasus after it was implanted on users’ devices. These NSO-controlled computers served as the nerve centre through which NSO controlled its customers’ operation and use of Pegasus.”

According to WhatsApp’s filing, NSO gained “unauthorised access” to its servers by reverse-engineering the messaging app and then evading the company’s security features that prevent manipulation of the company’s call features. One WhatsApp engineer who investigated the hacks said in a sworn statement submitted to the court that in 720 instances, the IP address of a remote server was included in the malicious code used in the attacks. The remote server, the engineer said, was based in Los Angeles and owned by a company whose data centre was used by NSO.

NSO has said in legal filings that it has no insight into how government clients use its hacking tools, and therefore does not know who governments are targeting.

But one expert, John Scott-Railton of Citizen Lab, who has worked with WhatsApp on the case, said NSO’s control of the servers involved in the hack suggests the company would have had logs, including IP addresses, identifying the users who were being targeted.

“Whether or not NSO looks at those logs, who knows? But the fact that it could be done is contrary to what they say,” Scott-Railton said.

In a statement to the Guardian, NSO stood by its earlier remarks. “Our products are used to stop terrorism, curb violent crime, and save lives. NSO Group does not operate the Pegasus software for its clients,” the company said. “Our past statements about our business, and the extent of our interaction with our government intelligence and law enforcement agency customers, are accurate.”

The company said it would file its response to the court in coming days.

The new developments in the case come as NSO is facing separate questions about the accuracy of a tracking product it has launched following the outbreak of Covid-19. The new programme, called Fleming, uses mobile phone data and public health information to identify who individuals infected with coronavirus may have come into contact with. A report by NBC last weekend said NSO’s new tool was being marketed in the US.

But in a Twitter thread, Scott-Railton said his analysis showed it was relying on data that appeared very imprecise.

“When you are working with data with this much built-in inaccuracy, it would be pretty intense to issue alerts each time this happened. Or to require quarantines. Or testing. The rates of false positives here would be through the roof. But ... so would false negatives,” he said.


Asked about the tweets, NSO said that the “unfounded claims” were based on “guesses and outdated screenshots, instead of facts”.

“Meanwhile, our Covid-19 product, Fleming, has proved vital for governments around the world working to contain the outbreak. Well-respected journalists from several countries have viewed Fleming, understood how the technology works and recognised it is the latest evolution in analytics software - which does not compromise privacy,” the company said.

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Re: NEWS: Isoveli valvoo ilman foliohattua

#397 Post by Pasi Fist » 06 May 2020, 16:45

Koko artikkeli linkin takana: ... avirus-app
India's Covid-19 app fuels worries over authoritarianism and surveillance

State-built Aarogya Setu has had record downloads but critics warn of civil liberties implications

Narendra Modi’s request was simple: to help combat the spread of coronavirus, people should download an Indian government-built smartphone app that helps identify their risk of catching and spreading the virus.

“As more and more people use it, its effectiveness will increase,” the prime minister said in a televised address last month.

Within hours, the Aarogya Setu app became the fastest downloaded app on record, with 83 million users and counting.

India was not the first country to deploy technology for coronavirus contact tracing – China, the US, Singapore, Hong Kong and multiple European countries have developed apps. But in a country with no meaningful anti-surveillance, privacy or data protection laws (the 1885 Telegraph Act is still in use) and a nationalist government with unprecedented snooping powers, many fear it has sinister implications.

“The coronavirus is a gift to authoritarian states including India,” said the Indian author Arundhati Roy. “Pre-corona, if we were sleepwalking into the surveillance state, now we are panic-running into a super-surveillance state.”...

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Re: NEWS: Isoveli valvoo ilman foliohattua

#398 Post by Pasi Fist » 15 May 2020, 11:02

Onhan se joo Ikean johdon edun mukaista laittomasti vainota AY-aktiiveita. ... -customers
Ikea France to face trial over claims it spied on staff and customers

Two former chief executives and four police officials among 15 individuals charged in case

Ikea’s French subsidiary and 15 individuals including former executives and police officials are to go on trial on charges of spying on employees and customers, prosecutors have announced.

Two former Ikea France CEOs are among those charged in a case dating back to 2012 when the Swedish-based home furnishings firm was accused of paying for illegal access to police files.

The company is alleged to have paid police for information on workers involved with labour unions and clients with whom it was involved in disputes. Prosecutors say the French unit bought access to court and police records and bank details.

The information was allegedly taken from France’s STIC police records system, which tracks the names and personal information of millions of criminals, victims and even witnesses.

Four police officials are also among the 15 people charged, along with the former Ikea France chiefs Jean-Louis Baillot and Stefan Vanoverbeke and the former CFO Dariusz Rychert.

On Thursday, the prosecutor’s office in Versailles, outside Paris, decided there was enough evidence to hold a trial.

In the wake of the allegations, Ikea France fired four employees, opened an internal inquiry and established a code of conduct. The company has 34 stores in France and employs 10,000 people.

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Re: NEWS: Isoveli valvoo ilman foliohattua

#399 Post by Pasi Fist » 22 Jun 2020, 14:39 ... hts-policy
Israeli spyware used to target Moroccan journalist, Amnesty claims

Amnesty alleges phone of Omar Radi in Morocco was infected by NSO’s Pegasus software

As NSO Group faced mounting criticism last year that its hacking software was being used illegally against journalists, dissidents and campaigners around the world, the Israeli spyware company unveiled a new policy that it said showed its commitment to human rights.

Now an investigation has alleged that another journalist, Omar Radi in Morocco, was targeted with NSO’s Pegasus software and put under surveillance just days after the company made that promise.

The investigation by Amnesty International alleges that Radi, a Rabat-based investigative journalist, was targeted three times and spied on after his phone was infected with an NSO tool. The mechanism allegedly used to target Radi, a so-called “network injection attack”, can be deployed without the victim clicking an infected link and is believed to have been used against another Moroccan journalist.

NSO does not publish a list of its government clients, but an earlier investigation by researchers at Citizen Lab identified Morocco as one of 45 countries where the company’s spyware was active.

The Guardian is publishing this report in coordination with Forbidden Stories, a collaborative journalism network that highlights the work of journalists who are threatened, jailed or killed.

Amnesty said the timing of the alleged attacks in Morocco indicated that they occurred after NSO published a new human rights policy in September 2019, and after the company became aware of an earlier report by Amnesty that detailed other allegedly unlawful hacking attacks in Morocco that used the company’s technology.

Under the terms of the human rights policy, NSO promised to investigate any well founded report detailing abuse of technology by its clients, and that the client’s access to its technology would be terminated if necessary if the company found that its technology has been abused.

“NSO has serious questions to answer as to what actions it took when presented with evidence its technology was used to commit human rights violations in Morocco,” said Danna Ingleton, the deputy director of Amnesty Tech.

NSO said in a statement that it was “deeply troubled” by a letter it received from Amnesty that contained the allegations.

“We are reviewing the information therein and will initiate an investigation if warranted,” the company said. “Consistent with our human rights policy, NSO Group take seriously our responsibility to respect human rights. We are strongly committed to avoiding causing, contributing to, or being directly linked to human rights impacts.”

In response to questions about its relationship with Moroccan authorities, NSO said it “seeks to be as transparent as feasible” but was obliged to respect “state confidentiality concerns” and could not disclose the identity of its customers.

A spokesperson added that NSO had taken “investigatory steps” following the publication of an earlier report by Amnesty that alleged other Moroccans had been hacked using Pegasus, but that it could not provide further details because of confidentiality constraints.

Authorities in Morocco did not respond to requests for comment.

The new claims come as NSO fights a lawsuit brought against it by WhatsApp, the messaging app owned by Facebook, which alleges that Pegasus was used to target 1,400 users over a two-week period last year. NSO denies the claims and has said that its government clients were ultimately responsible for the way its technology is used.

At the centre of the latest case is Radi, a journalist who was being targeted as part of a broader campaign by Moroccan authorities to quash dissent, Amnesty said.

Radi is a freelance investigative journalist who writes primarily for Le Desk and is a member of the ICIJ journalism consortium. He covers human rights issues, social movements and land rights, an issue Radi says is rife with corruption.

A report by Amnesty earlier this year said Moroccan authorities were intensifying their crackdown on “peaceful voices” with more arbitrary arrests of individuals who have been targeted for criticising the king or other officials.

In one case earlier this year, Radi said he interviewed villagers for a story but was later prevented from publishing their accounts, after they called him and pleaded with him to delete their interviews because they had been harassed by police after his visit.

As a journalist, Radi said he had lived with the suspicion that he was under regular surveillance since 2011, after it became known that Morocco was acquiring spyware technology from various sources.

Technology experts at Amnesty who investigated Radi’s phone in February found it had been subjected to various attacks between September 2019 and January 2020, when Radi was being “repeatedly harassed” by the Moroccan authorities.

He has in the past faced interrogations and detention in solitary confinement. He was given a suspended four-month prison term in March for a tweet he posted in April 2019 in which he criticised a trial of a group of activists.

Radi said Amnesty had contacted him after his December 2019 arrest and told him it believed he was a possible target for surveillance.

Radi said the discovery that he had been hacked raised immediate questions in his mind. “What could I have said on the phone that was sensitive? Or do I have sources that might be in trouble if the people listening to me find out who I’m talking to?”

Amnesty said forensic data extracted from Radi’s phone indicated he had been subjected network injection attacks in September and February 2019, and January 2020. Amnesty said it believed the attacks were used to infect Radi’s mobile phone with Pegasus in a way that did not require him to click on any infected links.

Network injection attacks allow hackers to redirect a target’s browser and apps to malicious sites which are under the attackers’ control, and then instal spyware to infect the target’s device. Amnesty said Radi’s phone was directed to the same malicious websites Amnesty found in an attack against Moroccan activist and academic Maati Monjib, which Amnesty detailed in an earlier report.

In both cases, the injections occurred while the targets – Radi and Monjib – were using an LTE/4G connection. One way spyware companies can execute such infections involve the use of what Amnesty called a “rogue” cell tower: a portable device that imitates legitimate cellular towers and, when placed in close physical proximity to a target, enables attackers to manipulate intercepted mobile traffic.

Last year, the Guardian reported that two other Moroccans were believed to have been targeted using NSO’s technology, including Aboubakr Jamaï, a campaigner and former journalist who lives in France.

Jamaï, who was asked to respond to the latest news, said that the Moroccan targets were clearly perceived as threats to the Moroccan regime.

“In a sense I’m almost happy that they’ve done it and that it’s been rendered public because it kind of lifts the veil on the true nature of the regime, which has been getting away with a lot of things because … it’s not as violently repressive as the Syrian regime or even the Egyptian regime. But it is still an authoritarian regime,” he said.

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Re: NEWS: Isoveli valvoo ilman foliohattua

#400 Post by Pasi Fist » 03 Jul 2020, 11:26
Viranomaiset mursivat rikollisjengien suosiman palvelun salauksen ja pidättivät lähes 750 ihmistä Britanniassa

”Tämä on vasta alkua”, sanoi Suur-Lontoon poliisitoimen johtaja Cressida Dick.

Britanniassa poliisi on tehnyt maan laajimman operaation, jossa pidätettiin lähes 750 ihmistä. Kiinniotoissa poliisi takavarikoi lähes 60 miljoonaa euroa käteistä, yli kaksi tonnia huumeita, kymmeniä luksusautoja ja -kelloja sekä aseita, kuten konepistooleja ja kranaatteja.

”Tämä on laajin ja syvin Britanniassa tehty operaatio vaarallista järjestäytynyttä rikollisuutta vastaan”, kertoi rikospoliisin tutkintajohtaja Nikki Holland tiedotteessa.

Operaation ansiosta kokonaisia rikollisjärjestöjä saatiin hajotettua. Poliisi kertoo pidättäneensä paljon keskitason rikollisia sekä jengien johtajia, jotka ovat pakoilleet poliisia jo vuosia.

Maan rikospoliisi on työskennellyt vuodesta 2016 lähtien kansainvälisten viranomaisten kanssa purkaakseen rikollisten käyttämän Encrochat-palvelun salauksen. Palvelun avulla rikollisjärjestöt ovat voineet pyörittää toimintaansa salassa.

Ranskan ja Hollannin viranomaiset onnistuivat yhteistyössä purkamaan salauksen keväällä ja keräämään palvelun dataa. Kaikki tieto on jaettu Europolille, jonka kautta se on käytettävissä muiden Euroopan maiden viranomaisille.

Palvelun käyttäjät eivät pitkään tienneet, että poliisit olivat murtaneet salauksen ja seuranneet rikollisten liikkeitä. Encrochat havaitsi tietovuodon kesäkuussa, jolloin se kehotti käyttäjiä tuhoamaan puhelimensa. Palvelu on sittemmin suljettu.

Encrochatilla oli 60 000 käyttäjää, joista 10 000 oleskeli Britanniassa. Palvelun käyttö puolen vuoden sopimuksella on maksanut yli 1 600 euroa.

Pidätysten ja takavarikointien lisäksi poliisin onnistui estää yli 200 henkeen kohdistuvaa uhkaa, kuten vihollisjengeihin kohdistettuja kidnappauksia ja surmia.

Operaatio on työllistänyt yli viittäsataa rikostutkijaa ja tuhansia poliiseja. Poliisin mukaan operaatiolla on merkittävä vaikutus järjestäytyneen rikollisuuden toimintaan.

”Tämä on vasta alkua. Häiritsemme järjestäytyneen rikollisuuden verkostoja viikkoja, kuukausia ja jopa vuosia tämän operaation seurauksena”, sanoi Suur-Lontoon poliisitoimen johtaja Cressida Dick yleisradioyhtiö BBC:n mukaan.

Myös koronaviruksesta on ollut operaation aikana hyötyä poliiseille: monet epäillyt olivat poikkeuksellisesti kotona, kun heitä tultiin pidättämään.

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Re: NEWS: Isoveli valvoo ilman foliohattua

#401 Post by Sasse netä » 03 Jul 2020, 11:29

Sen sukunimi on pippeli :lol:
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Re: NEWS: Isoveli valvoo ilman foliohattua

#402 Post by Jesse Python » 03 Jul 2020, 13:29

Pasi Fist wrote:
03 Jul 2020, 11:26
Viranomaiset mursivat rikollisjengien suosiman palvelun salauksen ja pidättivät lähes 750 ihmistä Britanniassa

”Tämä on vasta alkua”, sanoi Suur-Lontoon poliisitoimen johtaja Cressida Dick.

Britanniassa poliisi on tehnyt maan laajimman operaation, jossa pidätettiin lähes 750 ihmistä. Kiinniotoissa poliisi takavarikoi lähes 60 miljoonaa euroa käteistä, yli kaksi tonnia huumeita, kymmeniä luksusautoja ja -kelloja sekä aseita, kuten konepistooleja ja kranaatteja.

”Tämä on laajin ja syvin Britanniassa tehty operaatio vaarallista järjestäytynyttä rikollisuutta vastaan”, kertoi rikospoliisin tutkintajohtaja Nikki Holland tiedotteessa.

Operaation ansiosta kokonaisia rikollisjärjestöjä saatiin hajotettua. Poliisi kertoo pidättäneensä paljon keskitason rikollisia sekä jengien johtajia, jotka ovat pakoilleet poliisia jo vuosia.

Maan rikospoliisi on työskennellyt vuodesta 2016 lähtien kansainvälisten viranomaisten kanssa purkaakseen rikollisten käyttämän Encrochat-palvelun salauksen. Palvelun avulla rikollisjärjestöt ovat voineet pyörittää toimintaansa salassa.

Ranskan ja Hollannin viranomaiset onnistuivat yhteistyössä purkamaan salauksen keväällä ja keräämään palvelun dataa. Kaikki tieto on jaettu Europolille, jonka kautta se on käytettävissä muiden Euroopan maiden viranomaisille.

Palvelun käyttäjät eivät pitkään tienneet, että poliisit olivat murtaneet salauksen ja seuranneet rikollisten liikkeitä. Encrochat havaitsi tietovuodon kesäkuussa, jolloin se kehotti käyttäjiä tuhoamaan puhelimensa. Palvelu on sittemmin suljettu.

Encrochatilla oli 60 000 käyttäjää, joista 10 000 oleskeli Britanniassa. Palvelun käyttö puolen vuoden sopimuksella on maksanut yli 1 600 euroa.

Pidätysten ja takavarikointien lisäksi poliisin onnistui estää yli 200 henkeen kohdistuvaa uhkaa, kuten vihollisjengeihin kohdistettuja kidnappauksia ja surmia.

Operaatio on työllistänyt yli viittäsataa rikostutkijaa ja tuhansia poliiseja. Poliisin mukaan operaatiolla on merkittävä vaikutus järjestäytyneen rikollisuuden toimintaan.

”Tämä on vasta alkua. Häiritsemme järjestäytyneen rikollisuuden verkostoja viikkoja, kuukausia ja jopa vuosia tämän operaation seurauksena”, sanoi Suur-Lontoon poliisitoimen johtaja Cressida Dick yleisradioyhtiö BBC:n mukaan.

Myös koronaviruksesta on ollut operaation aikana hyötyä poliiseille: monet epäillyt olivat poikkeuksellisesti kotona, kun heitä tultiin pidättämään.
Vaikea pitää tätä varsinaisesti huononakaan uutisena?

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Re: NEWS: Isoveli valvoo ilman foliohattua

#403 Post by Pasi Fist » 03 Jul 2020, 13:44

^--Siinähän vaan duuniaan tekevät, mutta tälleen itseäni tuossa hieman huvituttaa rikollisnerot jotka on maksanut tuhansia euroja tollasesta todistusaineistoimurista, mikä pistää ne luultavasti kaltereiden taakse.

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Re: NEWS: Isoveli valvoo ilman foliohattua

#404 Post by Sasse netä » 03 Jul 2020, 15:17

Pasi Fist wrote:
03 Jul 2020, 13:44
^--Siinähän vaan duuniaan tekevät, mutta tälleen itseäni tuossa hieman huvituttaa rikollisnerot jotka on maksanut tuhansia euroja tollasesta todistusaineistoimurista, mikä pistää ne luultavasti kaltereiden taakse.
Mikään ei lämmitä rikollista niin kuin valheellinen turvallisuuden tunne, vrt tor huumekaupat kun kauppias säilöi kaikkien kaikki mahdolliset tiedot itsellään ja poliisit sai ne käsiinsä :sad1lol:
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Re: NEWS: Isoveli valvoo ilman foliohattua

#405 Post by 38911 BASIC BYTES FREE » 03 Jul 2020, 22:18

Ikinä kuullukaan jostain encrochatista. Ei oo nyt rikollisnerot varmaan tehnyt due diligenceään ottaessaan tommosen käyttöön.


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