Ulkomaan natsit uutisissa yleistopik

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Re: Ulkomaan natsit uutisissa yleistopik

#301 Post by Pasi Fist » 19 Aug 2019, 15:22

Itävallassa vaaditaan äärioikeistolaisen liikkeen kieltämistä, johtajalla yhteyksiä Christchurchin moskeija-ampujaan

Itävallan kansanpuolue ÖVP:n entisellä hallituskumppanilla Vapauspuolue FPÖ:llä on lukuisia yhteyksiä ääriliikkeeksi määriteltyyn identitaariseen liikkeeseen.

Itävallan kansanpuolue ÖVP vaatii seuraavilta hallituskumppaneiltaan äärioikeistolaisen identitaarisen liikkeen IBÖ:n (Identitäre Bewegung Österreich) kieltämistä, uutistoimisto AFP kertoo.

Keskustakonservatiivinen kansanpuolue on Itävallan suosituin puolue. ÖVP:n parlamenttiryhmän puheenjohtaja August Wöginger sanoo, että identitaarisen liikkeen kieltämisen täytyy olla seuraavassa hallitusohjelmassa.

Kansanpuolueen linjaus on todennäköisesti yritys kasvattaa puolueen suosiota ennen syyskuussa pidettäviä parlamenttivaaleja. Samalla se ottaa etäisyyttä entiseen hallituskumppaniinsa, laitaoikeistoon kuuluvaan vapauspuolue FPÖ:hön, jonka jäsenillä on läheisiä yhteyksiä IBÖ:hön.

”Sanomme tämän mahdollisimman selvästi: ekstremismillä ei ole Itävallassa sijaa, oli se sitten poliittista islamia tai identitaarien kaltaisia organisaatioita. Emme halua että kokoontumisvapautta käytetään väärin vaarallisten ideologioiden ja virtausten hyväksi”, Wöginger sanoo itävaltalaislehti Wiener Zeitungin mukaan.

Vapauspuolueen jäsen, entinen sisäministeri Herbert Kickl on vastustanut identitaarisen liikkeen kieltämistä. Wöginger nimitti Kickliä IBÖ:n ”suojelupyhimykseksi”.

IBÖ on osa kansainvälistä identitaarista liikettä, joka ammentaa ideologiansa etnonationalismista ja uusfasistisesta filosofiasta. Liike vastustaa muun muassa globalisaatiota, maahanmuuttoa ja islaminuskoa. Liikkeellä on kannattajia monissa eri Euroopan maissa, Yhdysvalloissa, Australiassa ja Uudessa-Seelannissa. Liike on vahvasti brändätty: sen kannattajat käyttävät eri maissa samanlaisia nimiä, värejä ja tunnuksia.

Liike on erityisen aktiivinen verkossa, missä se käyttää huippuunsa hiottuja taktiikoita uusien jäsenien rekrytoimiseksi ja radikalisoimiseksi, verkkolehti Politico kertoo. Se on järjestänyt Euroopassa myös kamppailuleirejä liikkeen jäsenille.

Sekä Saksan kotimaantiedustelupalvelu että Itävallan tiedustelupalvelu ovat määritelleet maissa toimivat identitaariset liikkeet ääriliikkeiksi.

IBÖ:n johtaja Martin Sellner, 30, äärioikeistolainen somejulkkis, jolla on paljon seuraajia. Hänellä oli yhteyksiä Christchurchin moskeija-ampujaan, jota syytetään 51 ihmisen tappamisesta ja terrorismista.

Christchurchin moskeijaiskujen tekijä Brenton Tarrant oli lahjoittanut IBÖ:lle 1 500 euroa, ja miehet olivat myös keskustelleet sähköpostitse. Sellner oli myös pyytänyt Tarrantia kahville, jos tämä ikinä tulisi Itävaltaan.

Vain viikko Christchurchin moskeijaiskujen jälkeen IBÖ piti Wienissä mielenosoituksen ”väestönvaihtoa vastaan”. Väestönvaihto on äärioikeistolainen salaliittoteoria, jota valkoiset terroristit ovat käyttäneet yhtenä perusteena iskuilleen.

The Guardian uutisoi kesäkuussa, että Britannian sisäministeriö on kieltänyt Sellneriä tulemasta maahan ”turvallisuussyistä”. Britannia on aiemminkin estänyt Sellnerin maahantulon, kun tämä on yrittänyt osallistua Britanniassa järjestettävään äärioikeiston konferenssiin.

Itävallan nuorimman liittokanslerin Sebastian Kurzin johtama hallitus hajosi keväällä niin kutsutun Ibiza-skandaalin jälkeen. Vuodetuista videoista kävi ilmi, että vapauspuolue FPÖ:n johtaja ja varaliittokansleri Heinz-Christian Strache tarjosi venäläisille erilaisia hankkeita Itävallassa vastineeksi vaalirahoituksesta.

Skandaaleista huolimatta puolueiden kannatus on korkealla.

Mielipidemittausten mukaan Kurzin kansanpuolueella on tällä hetkellä 36 prosentin kannatus, sosiaalidemokraateilla 22 prosentin kannatus ja vapauspuolueella 20 prosentin kannatus.

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Re: Ulkomaan natsit uutisissa yleistopik

#302 Post by Balam-Acab » 19 Aug 2019, 15:40

herbert kickl
Naturally, the machines were destroyed.
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Re: Ulkomaan natsit uutisissa yleistopik

#303 Post by overgrown reptilian » 21 Aug 2019, 09:05

https://www.huffpost.com/entry/yvette-f ... d2cc83d266

Teacher Accused Of Punching Neo-Nazi Says Standing Up To Fascism Isn’t A Crime
“We have the right to defend ourselves,” Yvette Felarca told the court.

A middle school teacher in Berkeley, California, accused of punching a neo-Nazi during a 2016 protest is arguing that standing up to fascism is not a crime.

Yvette Felarca, 47, was arrested last month for her involvement in a June 2016 anti-fascist demonstration held in Sacramento.

Felarca, who is a member of an activist group called By Any Means Necessary (BAMN), has been charged with felony assault, as well as two misdemeanor counts of inciting and participating in a riot, according to KPIX TV.

Footage of the demonstration appears to show Felarca repeatedly punching a member of the Traditionalist Worker Party, a white nationalist group described as ”a front for neo-Nazi sympathizers” by ABC 10. The taller man is holding up his hands while trying to get police officers to help. Other protesters drag the man to the ground before the police intervene.

Yvette Felarca is facing an assault charge for allegedly attacking a neo-Nazi during a Sacramento protest in June 2016.

At her arraignment last week, Felarca told the court that the charges against her are false and should be dropped.

“Standing up against fascism and the rise of Nazism and fascism in this country is not a crime,” she said. “We have the right to defend ourselves.”

Back in 2016, Felarca told reporters that the goal of the demonstration was to “shut down the Nazi scum.”

“They are organizing to attack and kill us,” she said at the time, according to Al Jazeera. “So we have a right to self-defense. ... That is why we have to shut them down by any means necessary.”

Felarca told the Los Angeles Times back then that her group’s protest was a success because it chased away the neo-Nazis and kept them from recruiting new members.

Felarca’s next scheduled court date is Oct. 4.

She is scheduled to teach at her Berkeley middle school when the students return later this month and cannot be legally fired unless she is convicted of a felony, according to KPIX TV.
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Re: Ulkomaan natsit uutisissa yleistopik

#304 Post by overgrown reptilian » 23 Aug 2019, 11:48

https://www.huffpost.com/entry/proud-bo ... 893ee5?345

Proud Boys Leader Admits Their Rallies Are For Fighting And Wasting Money

The group brawls with antifa under the guise of free speech. But video exposes its true intentions: violence and wasting public resources.

The Proud Boys for years have helped organize street fights in Portland, Oregon ― gatherings thinly veiled as political freedom rallies in order to secure permits or police escorts from the city.

This week, that veil was lifted, as the group’s leader admitted the ugly and obvious truth: The events are staged with the intention of spurring fights, wasting city resources and winning a game of optics against their anti-fascist nemeses.

“We’ve wasted all their fucking resources to make this rally,” Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio said in video captured during the latest extremist rally held Saturday in Portland. “We want them to waste $2 million and we’ll do it again in two months.”

Tarrio and fellow Proud Boys leader Joe Biggs flew to Portland from Florida to host the rally, and fears among city officials about the potential chaos caused them to warn local businesses to close for the day. Meanwhile, a multi-jurisdictional police force of 700 was deployed, according to The Oregonian.

The closures cost local restaurants and other businesses an estimated $3 million in revenue, and taxpayers will likely be on the hook for millions more due to the police response, the paper reported.

"This is a pure optics operation. If you’re looking for your fourth degree [rank for assaulting someone], this is not the event to do it.”
Enrique Tarrio, Proud Boys leader

Fewer violent clashes broke out than in previous iterations of the rally, in part because police spent the day escorting and defending the Proud Boys and members of their local punch-happy cousin, the Patriot Prayer. But the Proud Boys were also keenly aware that the nation was watching ― President Donald Trump tweeted just before the rally began that he would be on the lookout for violence committed by anti-fascists in order to designate “ANTIFA an ORGANIZATION OF TERROR.”

As the rally kicked off, Tarrio was caught on video ordering his gang members to forego the fighting. On this day, nobody would be earning their “fourth degree” ― a rank given to those Proud Boys who assault anti-fascists.

“This is a pure optics operation,” Tarrio said in front of a group of Proud Boys. “If you’re looking for fourth degrees this is not the event to do it.”

Rather than attack protesters ― as they’ve planned to do in the past ― the Proud Boys retreated across the Willamette River and then left the city, announcing on their way out a new campaign to waste Portland’s time and revenue, an apparent political maneuver aimed at Mayor Ted Wheeler.

“The gathering was never about bringing carnage or violence to the city of Portland, it was about financially crippling the progressive hotbed until they take action against antifa,” the gang said in a press release.

This appears to be the first public admission by the Proud Boys that the group’s aim is to hobble Wheeler’s administration. The mayor has allowed these rallies to go on in the name of free speech, despite acknowledging that violence is often the only item on the agenda.

It’s unclear whether the newfound transparency will have any impact on future demonstrations. In a response to HuffPost, Wheeler decried Tarrio’s statements but didn’t say whether he’d allow the group to continue to host the events in Portland:

“I have one clear message to anyone who says they’re going to continue wasting the city’s resources over and over again: Stop wasting our time. Stop wasting taxpayer dollars. Stop hurting our businesses. We have a city to run and lives to lead,” he said.

Although Tarrio on the video mentions another rally planned for October, no city permits have been issued as yet for such a gathering.
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Re: Ulkomaan natsit uutisissa yleistopik

#305 Post by overgrown reptilian » 23 Aug 2019, 11:49

tulipa noi videot hassusti kun piffo ottaa aina mukaan sen twiitin johon vastataan mutta alin video on aina se josta artikkelissa puhutaan
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Re: Ulkomaan natsit uutisissa yleistopik

#306 Post by fanaattinen vaaliharrastaja » 28 Aug 2019, 16:35

Jälkeenpäin on aina helppo arvostella, mutta tässä on aika monta asiaa, mitä tähän liittyy.
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Re: Ulkomaan natsit uutisissa yleistopik

#307 Post by viemäri-INTEGRITY » 28 Aug 2019, 16:53


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Re: Ulkomaan natsit uutisissa yleistopik

#308 Post by Taito Muhkunen » 28 Aug 2019, 21:07

Wanha....? :elmuri:
:dog: Cat inside

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Re: Ulkomaan natsit uutisissa yleistopik

#309 Post by Dame Cressida Dick » 28 Aug 2019, 21:58

Also Staring Mahoney wrote:
28 Aug 2019, 21:07
Wanha....? :elmuri:
Mutta edelleen hauska.
Pöydällä nakki ja pullo vodkaa wrote:
29 Jun 2023, 20:15
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Re: Ulkomaan natsit uutisissa yleistopik

#310 Post by fanaattinen vaaliharrastaja » 29 Aug 2019, 09:48

joku argumentaatiovirhe wrote:
28 Aug 2019, 21:58
Also Staring Mahoney wrote:
28 Aug 2019, 21:07
Wanha....? :elmuri:
Mutta edelleen hauska.
Sattuuhan näitä :elmuri:
Jälkeenpäin on aina helppo arvostella, mutta tässä on aika monta asiaa, mitä tähän liittyy.
On tunnustettava, ettei kaikki mennyt kuten piti. Olemme kompastuneet banaaniin

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Re: Ulkomaan natsit uutisissa yleistopik

#311 Post by RIP Harris Wittels » 29 Aug 2019, 20:06

A court in southeastern France on Thursday sentenced the president of the far-right anti-migrant group Generation Identity, its spokesman and a third person to six months in prison for a spectacle-like expedition in the Alps to stop migrants.

https://www.france24.com/en/20190829-fr ... -operation
Where is Jessica Hyde?

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Re: Ulkomaan natsit uutisissa yleistopik

#312 Post by Pasi Fist » 31 Aug 2019, 07:22

https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/ ... ked-report
AfD candidate was at 2007 Greek neo-Nazi rally, says leaked report

Andreas Kalbitz is vying to become rightwing German party’s first state premier

Andreas Kalbitz claims to have been an unenthusiastic participant in the Greek rally.

A German politician trying to become the first state premier for the rightwing populist Alternative für Deutschland in elections this Sunday took part in a neo-Nazi rally in Athens in 2007, documents leaked to the media show.

Andreas Kalbitz, 46, is the AfD’s lead candidate for Brandenburg, where polls suggest the party is competing with the centre-left Social Democratic party (SPD) in the race to become the state’s strongest political force.

A highly influential figure on the AfD’s overtly nationalist wing, Kalbitz’s influence in the party is likely to increase following state polls in Brandenburg, Saxony and Thuringia this weekend, and he has emphasised his strict rejection of anti-democratic ideas and organisations.

However, a report by the German embassy in Athens, published on Friday by Der Spiegel, named Kalbitz as one of 14 German neo-Nazis who travelled to the Greek capital in January 2007 for a rally organised by the Patriotic Alliance, a short-lived ultranationalist party formed by members of Golden Dawn.

Among the other members of the German delegation were leading figures in the NPD, founded as a successor to the German Reich party, including its leader, Udo Voigt, Der Spiegel reported.

The group drew the attention of the local police and the German embassy because they had hung a flag bearing the swastika from the balcony of Hotel Solomou in central Athens. The hotel’s entrance and balcony were firebombed later that evening. The embassy believed the attack had been carried out by members of the anarchist scene.

When approached with the information by Der Spiegel, Kalbitz confirmed he had been in Athens in 2007 but said he had not been present at the hotel during the firebombing “and the sequence of events connected to it”.

The Bavarian-born AfD politician claimed to have been an unenthusiastic participant in the rally. “Assessing this event retrospectively, it did not wake further interest or approval from my behalf, neither in its political goals nor the selection of those participating.”

Polls this month showed the AfD as the strongest party in Brandenburg, the state that surrounds the capital, Berlin, but more recent surveys give a slight advantage to the SPD, which has governed there since German reunification.

In neighbouring Saxony, polls show the AfD to be floundering in the final stretch of the campaign, on track for second place on 24.5% behind a resurgent Christian Democratic Union (CDU) on 32%.

The revelation of Kalbitz’s neo-Nazi links is the latest detail to undermine efforts to lend the rightwing populist party a respectable face. This month the newspaper Die Welt unearthed two documentaries about the second world war listing Kalbitz as a scriptwriter alongside his late father-in-law Stuart Russell, a UK citizen who served in the British army in Germany and later settled near Paderborn.

Thomas Weber, a history professor at the University of Aberdeen, described one of the films, Hitler: The Unknown Soldier, 1914-1918, as a “skilful glorification of Hitler”, which uncritically digested National Socialist propaganda and portrayed the first world war as the result of an “evil alliance” of Jews and Marxists.

Kalbitz told Die Welt he had helped with the script for the film because the father of his wife was not a native speaker, and he insisted Russell “was not a rightwing radical or extremist”.

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Re: Ulkomaan natsit uutisissa yleistopik

#313 Post by Pasi Fist » 31 Aug 2019, 07:31

Sillä välin Italiassa:

https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/ ... -backfires
Salvini urges far-right supporters to march on Rome after bid to force election backfires

Interior minister calls for ‘day of mobilisation’ in protest at moves to sideline League

Matteo Salvini has called on his supporters to descend on Rome as Italy moves towards ousting his far-right League from power after his attempt to collapse the Italian government and force snap elections.

Salvini earmarked 19 October for a “peaceful day of Italian pride” against a potential government made up of his former ally, the anti-establishment Five Star Movement (M5S), and the centre-left Democratic party (PD).

“From north to south, from the silent majority … a day of mobilisation for those who don’t want a government born overnight in Brussels,” he said in an announcement on Facebook.

“I’m not angry because of my own personal interests, I’m angry because a robbery of democracy is under way.”

Salvini, who is still nominally the interior minister, has accused Brussels and Berlin of plotting to eject the League from government, taking particular aim at the EU’s budget commissioner, Günther Oettinger, who said a M5S-PD tie-up was “great news” for Italy and the EU.

“But they won’t get rid of the Salvini and League ballbreakers so easily,” Salvini said.

Salvini has also planned a series of rallies across Italy before the Rome demonstration, while his far-right ally, Brothers of Italy, has urged people to take to the streets beforehand.

The Italian prime minister, Giuseppe Conte, was given a fresh mandate on Thursday to try to secure a pact with M5S and the PD in an effort to stave off early elections.

Conte said now was “a time for relaunch” while insisting Italy return to being a “protagonist” in the EU.

Conte has until next week to ensure the two sides set aside their myriad differences to create a strong and lasting government. They still need to draft a programme, pick a cabinet and establish what role Luigi Di Maio, the M5S leader, will play. The PD insisted he step down as deputy prime minister in return for them accepting Conte as prime minister.

Another of the PD’s stipulations for the deal is M5S, which has long been antagonistic towards the EU, commit to remaining in the bloc and scrapping a draconian anti-immigration bill passed with the League.

A potential threat is the plan by M5S to ask its members to vote on any agreement with the PD on Rousseau, the online network it often uses to make policy decisions. It is unclear how many subscribers the site has or how votes are counted, but many M5S activists oppose the alliance.

If they manage to form a government, among the first challenges will be drafting Italy’s budget for 2020 and averting an increase in VAT.

“If they can survive that, they might try to go for the long run,” said Franco Pavoncello, a political science professor and the president of the John Cabot University in Rome.

“Also because they might be interested in making an electoral reform that could restrict Salvini, as well as shoot for 2022, when a new president has to be elected. Both parties have an interest to stick around. But this is way into the future.”

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Re: Ulkomaan natsit uutisissa yleistopik

#314 Post by Nahkanuijan nuupauttaja » 31 Aug 2019, 19:58

Paikallinen seppolehtokin siellä.
Edelweiss wrote:saatanan nuupauttaja , en tiedä. :cry:

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Re: Ulkomaan natsit uutisissa yleistopik

#315 Post by fanaattinen vaaliharrastaja » 02 Sep 2019, 10:43

Pasi Fist wrote:
31 Aug 2019, 07:31
Sillä välin Italiassa:
https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/ ... -backfires
Salvini urges far-right supporters to march on Rome after bid to force election backfires

Interior minister calls for ‘day of mobilisation’ in protest at moves to sideline League

Matteo Salvini has called on his supporters to descend on Rome as Italy moves towards ousting his far-right League from power after his attempt to collapse the Italian government and force snap elections.

Salvini earmarked 19 October for a “peaceful day of Italian pride” against a potential government made up of his former ally, the anti-establishment Five Star Movement (M5S), and the centre-left Democratic party (PD).

“From north to south, from the silent majority … a day of mobilisation for those who don’t want a government born overnight in Brussels,” he said in an announcement on Facebook.

“I’m not angry because of my own personal interests, I’m angry because a robbery of democracy is under way.”

Salvini, who is still nominally the interior minister, has accused Brussels and Berlin of plotting to eject the League from government, taking particular aim at the EU’s budget commissioner, Günther Oettinger, who said a M5S-PD tie-up was “great news” for Italy and the EU.

“But they won’t get rid of the Salvini and League ballbreakers so easily,” Salvini said.

Salvini has also planned a series of rallies across Italy before the Rome demonstration, while his far-right ally, Brothers of Italy, has urged people to take to the streets beforehand.

The Italian prime minister, Giuseppe Conte, was given a fresh mandate on Thursday to try to secure a pact with M5S and the PD in an effort to stave off early elections.

Conte said now was “a time for relaunch” while insisting Italy return to being a “protagonist” in the EU.

Conte has until next week to ensure the two sides set aside their myriad differences to create a strong and lasting government. They still need to draft a programme, pick a cabinet and establish what role Luigi Di Maio, the M5S leader, will play. The PD insisted he step down as deputy prime minister in return for them accepting Conte as prime minister.

Another of the PD’s stipulations for the deal is M5S, which has long been antagonistic towards the EU, commit to remaining in the bloc and scrapping a draconian anti-immigration bill passed with the League.

A potential threat is the plan by M5S to ask its members to vote on any agreement with the PD on Rousseau, the online network it often uses to make policy decisions. It is unclear how many subscribers the site has or how votes are counted, but many M5S activists oppose the alliance.

If they manage to form a government, among the first challenges will be drafting Italy’s budget for 2020 and averting an increase in VAT.

“If they can survive that, they might try to go for the long run,” said Franco Pavoncello, a political science professor and the president of the John Cabot University in Rome.

“Also because they might be interested in making an electoral reform that could restrict Salvini, as well as shoot for 2022, when a new president has to be elected. Both parties have an interest to stick around. But this is way into the future.”
Ihan kuin olisin kuullut tämän joskus ennenkin :-k
Jälkeenpäin on aina helppo arvostella, mutta tässä on aika monta asiaa, mitä tähän liittyy.
On tunnustettava, ettei kaikki mennyt kuten piti. Olemme kompastuneet banaaniin

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