Täällä seurataan Bidenin presidenttikautta

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Re: Täällä seurataan Bidenin presidenttikautta

#976 Post by Mahdollisimman yleistäi » 04 May 2021, 17:16

Välikatossa rapiseva jyrsijä wrote:
04 May 2021, 15:55
En tiedä, puhuuko Biden "kansan kielellä", mutta ihan sama, koska pääsyy sen politiikan hyväksyttävyyteen on se, että se puhuu vanhan valkoisen miehen naamalla. Voi olla ihan hyväkin strategia tällä hetkellä, mutta voi taivas sitä kansan syvien rivien teekutsupaniikkia, jos/kun demut yrittävät nostaa seuraavaksi presidentiksi Harrisia ja se sanoo samat asiat esim. talouspolitiikasta ja ammattiliitoista.
Totta. Harrishan sieltä aikanaan ilman suurempia ihmeitä nostetaan ja vaikeaa ja paskamyrskyistä tulee olemaan. Mutta väittäisin, että paskamyrskyjen läpi käppäily bideniläisittäin noteeraamatta ja keskittyminen mahdollisimman lyhyeen ja yksinkertaiseen oman tekemisen myymiseen auttaa silloinkin.

Pelivara moiseen tyyneyteen on Harrisilla toki sitten kiinni siitä millaisesta tilanteesta Bidenin jäljiltä jatketaan, mutta toistaiseksihan sleepy-gommunismi näyttäis pelittävän ihan mukavasti.

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Re: Täällä seurataan Bidenin presidenttikautta

#977 Post by Ingmar Bergmanin kuolema » 04 May 2021, 17:22

Aika varhaista on vielä sanoa, onko Biden kehitellyt mullistavan ja menestyvän taikakaavan. Kansan reaktio ensimmäisen sadan päivän tykittelyyn ja edessä olevaan infraprojektin läpirunnomiseen määrittelee paljon, mutta varmaankin vasta loppuvuodesta pystyy reaktiosta sanomaan mitään syvällisempää. Presidentinvaaleissa Joe-ukki vaan nauroi, kun republikaanit yrittivät esittää hänet ensin radikaalivasemmistolaisena antifa-terroristina ja sitten radikaalivasemmistolaisen antifan käsinukkena. Nyt on kuitenkin progeiltu ja puitu radikaalia nyrkkiä siinä määrin rajusti, että republikaaneilla ei pitäisi olla pulaa tarttumapinnasta. Ongelmallista heidän kannaltaan on kuitenkin se, että Biden ajaa pitkälti asioita, joilla on kansan enemmistön tuki takanaan. Jännä nähdä vaikka nyt loppuvuodesta, mihin suuntaan merkitsevä enemmistö Amerikan kansasta kääntyy mielipidetutkimuksissa. Ollaanko siellä sitä mieltä, että "tämähän on gommunismia" vai että "tämä ei ole gommunismia vaan oikeus ja kohtuus".

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Re: Täällä seurataan Bidenin presidenttikautta

#978 Post by Pöydällä nakki ja pullo vodkaa » 04 May 2021, 17:31

todella paljon jää tosiaan sen varaan mitä 2022 vaaleissa tapahtuu

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Re: Täällä seurataan Bidenin presidenttikautta

#979 Post by Kauko Keuhkon näköinen mies » 04 May 2021, 18:41

Masked Swinger Suomi wrote:
04 May 2021, 17:00
En ihan pureskelematta niele ajatusta, että yhdet pressanvaalit (joissa muutenkin selviää suurilla linjoilla ja yleisellä inspiroinnilla) kiistatta onnistuneesti tasapainoillut, mutta niissä kansakuntaa syvästi jakaneen ja koronapandemian aivan täysin sössineen vastaehdokkaan voittanut saatanan pitkän linjan ammattipoliitikko olisi ratkaissut vuosikausia "vanhoja puolueita" vaivanneen haasteen :P
No aika simppeli ydinviesti jollain Bill Clintonilla oli kans, tais olla Obamallakin. Samoin BoJolla ja Trumpilla. Yksilöinä osaavat, joku puoluekoneisto taas tuppaa olemaan niin kankea ettei se ratkee vaikka ratkaisu ois ilmiselvä
Kellä kutiseva reikä illalla, sillä haiseva sormi aamulla.

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Re: Täällä seurataan Bidenin presidenttikautta

#980 Post by superlemmikki » 06 May 2021, 09:23

Biden tosiaan haluaa ajaa koko WTO:n alaisen maailman sosialismiin :prr: [-o<
Häiritsevä déjà vu -laskuri 2024: 2 (2023: 10, 2022: 18, 2021:19, 2020:23)
Muista että, et nauti Persus Makeis Sekoomuksesta, vaan se nauttii sinusta. Sinä et syö sitä, vaan se syö sinut.

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Re: Täällä seurataan Bidenin presidenttikautta

#981 Post by Ingmar Bergmanin kuolema » 06 May 2021, 18:36

Republikaanien kuningaskäärme McConnell on tehnyt saman lupauksen, minkä hän teki aikoinaan Obaman kaudella. McConnell keskittyy jatkossa sataprosenttisesti kampittamaan Bidenin hallinnon tekemisiä. Näinhän asia olisi mennyt ilman julkilausumiakin, mutta nyt demokraateilla on mustaa valkoisella republikaanien yhteistyöhalukkuuden taso, mistä päästäänkin keskustelemaan filibusterin romuttamisesta kokonaan.
CNN wrote: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/05/06/poli ... index.html
The Kentucky Republican now seems set to chart a parallel course to the ex-President while seeking to halt Biden's massive and ambitious agenda.

"One hundred percent of my focus is on stopping this new administration," the minority leader said on Wednesday, mirroring a similar comment he once let slip about trying to make Barack Obama a one-term president.

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Re: Täällä seurataan Bidenin presidenttikautta

#982 Post by Jussin villapaita » 15 May 2021, 00:21

NYT:ssa tavallaan kiinnostava juttu Bidenin johtamishommista ja arkirutiineista. Jutun mukaan Biden pommittaa virkamiehiä ja avustajia käsittämättömän yksityiskohtaisilla kysymyksillä aiheesta kuin aiheesta ja on sitten detaljitulvassa taipuvainen empimään päätösten kanssa viikkotolkulla. Toisaalta ei siedä jaarittelijoita, vaan saattaa varoittamatta lyödä luurin korvaan, jos toisesta päästä tulee jargonia ja diipadaabaa. Lounaaksi vetää salaatin, soppaa tai voileipiä. Jääkaapissa on aina jäätelöä.
The New York Times wrote:Beneath Joe Biden’s Folksy Demeanor, a Short Fuse and an Obsession With Details
As Mr. Biden settles into the office he has chased for more than three decades, aides say he demands hours of debate from scores of policy experts.
...Quick decision-making is not Mr. Biden’s style. His reputation as a plain-speaking politician hides a more complicated truth. Before making up his mind, the president demands hours of detail-laden debate from scores of policy experts, taking everyone around him on what some in the West Wing refer to as his Socratic “journey” before arriving at a conclusion.

Those trips are often difficult for his advisers, who are peppered with sometimes obscure questions. Avoiding Mr. Biden’s ire during one of his decision-making seminars means not only going beyond the vague talking points that he will reject, but also steering clear of responses laced with acronyms or too much policy minutiae, which will prompt an outburst of frustration, often laced with profanity.

...What emerges is a portrait of a president with a short fuse, who is obsessed with getting the details right — sometimes to a fault, including when he angered allies and adversaries alike by repeatedly delaying a decision on whether to allow more refugees into the United States.

...Those closest to him say Mr. Biden is unwilling, or unable, to skip the routine. As a longtime adviser put it: He needs time to process the material so that he feels comfortable selling it to the public. But the approach has its risks, as President Barack Obama found out when his own, sometimes lengthy policy debates led to infighting and extended lobbying, and made his White House feel process driven.

...Mr. Biden is gripped by a sense of urgency that leaves him prone to flares of impatience, according to numerous people who regularly interact with him. The president has said he expects to run for a second term, but aides say he understands the effect on his ability to advance his agenda if Republicans regain power in Congress next year.

He never erupts into fits of rage the way President Donald J. Trump did. And the current president rarely exhibits the smoldering anger or sense of deep disappointment that advisers to Mr. Obama became familiar with.

...Some advisers who are new to Mr. Biden’s orbit have been on the receiving end of his anger in recent weeks. During a meeting on March 30 in the Oval Office, the president lashed out at Xavier Becerra, the secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, for failing to have answers to his questions about the agency’s ability to take care of migrant children, according to two people familiar with the exchange.

...Mr. Biden did not want to be spared any incremental detail. After the president took office, his defense secretary deployed 1,100 troops in five teams of nurses, vaccinators and other medical staff. He eventually deployed 4,000 more.

...After the meeting, he pulled Mr. Zients aside and gave him a set of instructions: “Bring me the news, good, bad and ugly. It’s going to have big moments and not so good moments, and I want to know about every one of them,” the president said. “I want the details.”

That instinct has not always been helpful.

...During a lengthy discussion, Mr. Biden quizzed them on how his climate policy would influence specific workers in Pennsylvania, his home state. How would all of this affect earth-moving workers, fabricators, those pouring concrete, derrick operators, plumbers and pipe fitters, and licensed truckers, he asked.

...Over time, the president’s staff has learned the routine. They have padded his schedule with 15-minute breaks because they know he will not finish on time. He is allowed 30 minutes for lunch — a rotation of salad, soup and sandwiches — and because of the pandemic, rarely eats with people other than Vice President Kamala Harris, with whom he has a weekly lunch.

One item not on the daily agenda?

Watching hours of cable news. The television that Mr. Trump installed in the dining room next to the Oval Office is still there, but aides say it is rarely on during the day.

...In the vice president’s residence, the staff was instructed to keep the kitchen stocked with vanilla chocolate chip Haagen-Dazs ice cream, Special K cereal, one bunch of red grapes, sliced cheese, six eggs, sliced bread, one tomato from the garden, and at least two apples on hand at all times, according to a preference sheet they kept at the home. Mr. Biden’s drink of choice: Orange Gatorade.

The staff was told not to serve leafy greens at events because Mr. Biden did not want to be photographed with any leaves in his teeth, Mr. Freeman said.

...But most evenings, Mr. Biden is in regular contact with the so-called historians, who have been by his side for decades: Mr. Donilon, Mr. Klain, Mr. Reed and Mr. Ricchetti.

In a White House that is more diverse than any before it, aides say those four white men are the ones the president goes to for a final gut-check before making a decision.

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Re: Täällä seurataan Bidenin presidenttikautta

#983 Post by Hauva Roukio » 15 May 2021, 01:33

Jussin villapaita wrote:
15 May 2021, 00:21
Jääkaapissa on aina jäätelöä
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Re: Täällä seurataan Bidenin presidenttikautta

#984 Post by dillen aspen » 15 May 2021, 01:41

Hauva Roukio wrote:
15 May 2021, 01:33
Jussin villapaita wrote:
15 May 2021, 00:21
Jääkaapissa on aina jäätelöä
Old Sleepyn hampaille sopii pehmeämpi herkku

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Re: Täällä seurataan Bidenin presidenttikautta

#985 Post by Jussin villapaita » 15 May 2021, 01:47

Jäätelö-Joen mieltymys jäätelöön on ollut jo pitkään tiedossa:

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Re: Täällä seurataan Bidenin presidenttikautta

#986 Post by Karhunpoika hairahtaa » 15 May 2021, 09:01

dillen ass-pen wrote:
15 May 2021, 01:41
Hauva Roukio wrote:
15 May 2021, 01:33
Jussin villapaita wrote:
15 May 2021, 00:21
Jääkaapissa on aina jäätelöä
Old Sleepyn hampaille sopii pehmeämpi herkku
Siksi sitä ei varmaan pidetä pakastimessa.

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Re: Täällä seurataan Bidenin presidenttikautta

#987 Post by Master of Speed » 15 May 2021, 09:11

USA:n Israel-linja on esimerkki siitä, että ne jotka sanoivat ennen vaaleja presidentin olevan yhdentekevä eivät olleet 100% väärässä.

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Re: Täällä seurataan Bidenin presidenttikautta

#988 Post by Kaha Junkkunen » 15 May 2021, 09:13

Jussin villapaita wrote:
15 May 2021, 00:21
NYT:ssa tavallaan kiinnostava juttu Bidenin johtamishommista ja arkirutiineista. Jutun mukaan Biden pommittaa virkamiehiä ja avustajia käsittämättömän yksityiskohtaisilla kysymyksillä aiheesta kuin aiheesta ja on sitten detaljitulvassa taipuvainen empimään päätösten kanssa viikkotolkulla. Toisaalta ei siedä jaarittelijoita, vaan saattaa varoittamatta lyödä luurin korvaan, jos toisesta päästä tulee jargonia ja diipadaabaa. Lounaaksi vetää salaatin, soppaa tai voileipiä. Jääkaapissa on aina jäätelöä.
The New York Times wrote:Beneath Joe Biden’s Folksy Demeanor, a Short Fuse and an Obsession With Details
As Mr. Biden settles into the office he has chased for more than three decades, aides say he demands hours of debate from scores of policy experts.
...Quick decision-making is not Mr. Biden’s style. His reputation as a plain-speaking politician hides a more complicated truth. Before making up his mind, the president demands hours of detail-laden debate from scores of policy experts, taking everyone around him on what some in the West Wing refer to as his Socratic “journey” before arriving at a conclusion.

Those trips are often difficult for his advisers, who are peppered with sometimes obscure questions. Avoiding Mr. Biden’s ire during one of his decision-making seminars means not only going beyond the vague talking points that he will reject, but also steering clear of responses laced with acronyms or too much policy minutiae, which will prompt an outburst of frustration, often laced with profanity.

...What emerges is a portrait of a president with a short fuse, who is obsessed with getting the details right — sometimes to a fault, including when he angered allies and adversaries alike by repeatedly delaying a decision on whether to allow more refugees into the United States.

...Those closest to him say Mr. Biden is unwilling, or unable, to skip the routine. As a longtime adviser put it: He needs time to process the material so that he feels comfortable selling it to the public. But the approach has its risks, as President Barack Obama found out when his own, sometimes lengthy policy debates led to infighting and extended lobbying, and made his White House feel process driven.

...Mr. Biden is gripped by a sense of urgency that leaves him prone to flares of impatience, according to numerous people who regularly interact with him. The president has said he expects to run for a second term, but aides say he understands the effect on his ability to advance his agenda if Republicans regain power in Congress next year.

He never erupts into fits of rage the way President Donald J. Trump did. And the current president rarely exhibits the smoldering anger or sense of deep disappointment that advisers to Mr. Obama became familiar with.

...Some advisers who are new to Mr. Biden’s orbit have been on the receiving end of his anger in recent weeks. During a meeting on March 30 in the Oval Office, the president lashed out at Xavier Becerra, the secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, for failing to have answers to his questions about the agency’s ability to take care of migrant children, according to two people familiar with the exchange.

...Mr. Biden did not want to be spared any incremental detail. After the president took office, his defense secretary deployed 1,100 troops in five teams of nurses, vaccinators and other medical staff. He eventually deployed 4,000 more.

...After the meeting, he pulled Mr. Zients aside and gave him a set of instructions: “Bring me the news, good, bad and ugly. It’s going to have big moments and not so good moments, and I want to know about every one of them,” the president said. “I want the details.”

That instinct has not always been helpful.

...During a lengthy discussion, Mr. Biden quizzed them on how his climate policy would influence specific workers in Pennsylvania, his home state. How would all of this affect earth-moving workers, fabricators, those pouring concrete, derrick operators, plumbers and pipe fitters, and licensed truckers, he asked.

...Over time, the president’s staff has learned the routine. They have padded his schedule with 15-minute breaks because they know he will not finish on time. He is allowed 30 minutes for lunch — a rotation of salad, soup and sandwiches — and because of the pandemic, rarely eats with people other than Vice President Kamala Harris, with whom he has a weekly lunch.

One item not on the daily agenda?

Watching hours of cable news. The television that Mr. Trump installed in the dining room next to the Oval Office is still there, but aides say it is rarely on during the day.

...In the vice president’s residence, the staff was instructed to keep the kitchen stocked with vanilla chocolate chip Haagen-Dazs ice cream, Special K cereal, one bunch of red grapes, sliced cheese, six eggs, sliced bread, one tomato from the garden, and at least two apples on hand at all times, according to a preference sheet they kept at the home. Mr. Biden’s drink of choice: Orange Gatorade.

The staff was told not to serve leafy greens at events because Mr. Biden did not want to be photographed with any leaves in his teeth, Mr. Freeman said.

...But most evenings, Mr. Biden is in regular contact with the so-called historians, who have been by his side for decades: Mr. Donilon, Mr. Klain, Mr. Reed and Mr. Ricchetti.

In a White House that is more diverse than any before it, aides say those four white men are the ones the president goes to for a final gut-check before making a decision.
Yksityiskohtaiset kysymykset ovat varmasti kivaa vaihtelua virkamiehille, jotka Trumpin aikana joutuivat vastailemaan kysymyksiin, kuten: "Onko Suomi osa Venäjää?", tai "Miksi me ollaan NATOssa?".

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Re: Täällä seurataan Bidenin presidenttikautta

#989 Post by Kelju K Kokoomus » 15 May 2021, 09:55

Karhunpoika hairahtaa wrote:
15 May 2021, 09:01
dillen ass-pen wrote:
15 May 2021, 01:41
Hauva Roukio wrote:
15 May 2021, 01:33
Jussin villapaita wrote:
15 May 2021, 00:21
Jääkaapissa on aina jäätelöä
Old Sleepyn hampaille sopii pehmeämpi herkku
Siksi sitä ei varmaan pidetä pakastimessa.
Mutta saako se jälkkäriksi kaksi kauhallista niin kuin Dolan, vai vaan yhden kauhallisen kuin tavalliset kuolevaiset?
Isä Ted wrote:Edistyskokoomus kyllä kuulostaa sellaiselta puuhastelulta, että sihinä vaan käy kun vaihtolämpöiset painelee menemään.

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Ingmar Bergmanin kuolema
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Re: Täällä seurataan Bidenin presidenttikautta

#990 Post by Ingmar Bergmanin kuolema » 15 May 2021, 10:07

Master of Speed wrote:
15 May 2021, 09:11
USA:n Israel-linja on esimerkki siitä, että ne jotka sanoivat ennen vaaleja presidentin olevan yhdentekevä eivät olleet 100% väärässä.
En tiedä mihin kohtaan prosenttiviisari on hyvä asettaa, mutta ei Trumpin vaihtuminen Bideniin ole tässäkään yhdentekevä asia. Biden on jo palautellut palestiinalaisille Trumpin leikkaamia tukirahoja eikä Netanyahu voi enää luottaa amerikkalaisten sataprosenttiseen tukeen kaikessa kuten Donalin aikana. Joe-ukki ei myöskään harrasta provosoinnin politiikkaa kuten edeltäjänsä.

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