Atom Mouth Gimlies - Music on Quills LP

Tulevat, suunnitteilla olevat ja julkaistut. Forthcoming, under planning and released.

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Re: Atom Mouth Gimlies - Music on Quills LP

#106 Post by Lörsson. » 10 Aug 2017, 16:02

Lihavanpään boppin' scene voi hakea omansa Hartolan eläinsuojeluyhdistyksen kirpparilta.

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Re: Atom Mouth Gimlies - Music on Quills LP

#107 Post by Pornosta elannon saava(f) » 10 Aug 2017, 21:00


Näitähän meni yllättävän monta kaupaksi kesällä kasvotusten. :o

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Re: Atom Mouth Gimlies - Music on Quills LP

#108 Post by Judanssi » 11 Aug 2017, 07:11

Kova levy. Niinku tuolla aiemmin joku sanoi, harvoin tällaisesta jää olo että liian lyhyt levy. Tai ehkä juuri sopiva. Kuitenkin, puhdistava kuuntelukokemus, tämä musiikki on vahvasti jonkin asian ytimessä. Oman alansa Ramones, täydellinen tiivistys olennaisesta.

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Re: Atom Mouth Gimlies - Music on Quills LP

#109 Post by Pornosta elannon saava(f) » 16 Aug 2017, 15:07

^ :salut:

Terminal Boredom arvosteli levyn tuoreimmassa arvostelusatsissaan.
Atom Mouth Gimlies "Music On Quills" LP
Every now and then (though rarely) something arrives in my mailbag -sounds unheard - and knocks me sideways. The early Atom Mouth Gimlies cassettes I received moons ago were some of those things. To this day those tapes are as cherished by me as baby photos to others. Glad to see they're still trudging through the waters/forests of Finland. From the looks and sounds of this 45RPM "full length", I'd say it was recorded live in whatever shack or bait shop is pictured on the sleeve. After a couple detours through clearer, nearly-produced pastures in recent years, the Gimlies have knuckle dragged their sound back down into the ol' septic tank. The opening duo of "Creator" and "Hermit" show these gents relish performing through a turbines worth of overdriven whoosh, feedback blur and tinnitus ring. It's so damn noisy the vocals tend to get lost, clawing as best they can to keep ahead/on top of the scree. Most would turn down their gear and try to re-record. Bless these brave souls. Lord knows I'm lost just sitting here listening. The dust settles a tad as "Get Back Into This World" and "This Train" battle it out for most-likely-to-bend-the-ears of whoever ran the Nasty Product label, but both tunes just give up wherever a wicked lead should sprout up or pesky chorus would arrive to give listeners something to gnaw on. I wouldn't be surprised if most of this was made up on the spot. Certainly the Gimlies have spent less time honing these tracks than even the Bad Times LP. "Pink Flies" follows suit, but adds f/x garble and a warbled guit-fit to the shenanigans, vibing like the first Horrors LP. Don't start to think they went proper, though. The vocals are still coming from some poor sap, out drowning in a bog. More "songs" flail from the plate on the flip, scattering various shards of detritus to and fro - but the final track ("Into A Better World") gives up on challenging fidelity entirely and just lets the amplifier hum obliterate any instrumental separation. The grooves may have melted together in the long overseas transit for all I know, but I fear they actually wanted it to sound this way. Shit-mess of a trainwreck or not, I'm still smiling when it all comes to an end - and that doesn't happen nearly enough in these grim review times. Keep em coming you Finnish freaky-deakies! (RSF)
(Jumatsuga //

Arvostelijalta jäi mainitsematta Jumatsugan lisäksi julkaisijoista myös Gafoni sekä Urealis-Tuotanto.

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Re: Atom Mouth Gimlies - Music on Quills LP

#110 Post by Recard » 16 Aug 2017, 15:23

Pornosta elannon saava(f) wrote:^ :salut:

Terminal Boredom arvosteli levyn tuoreimmassa arvostelusatsissaan.
Atom Mouth Gimlies "Music On Quills" LP
Every now and then (though rarely) something arrives in my mailbag -sounds unheard - and knocks me sideways. The early Atom Mouth Gimlies cassettes I received moons ago were some of those things. To this day those tapes are as cherished by me as baby photos to others. Glad to see they're still trudging through the waters/forests of Finland. From the looks and sounds of this 45RPM "full length", I'd say it was recorded live in whatever shack or bait shop is pictured on the sleeve. After a couple detours through clearer, nearly-produced pastures in recent years, the Gimlies have knuckle dragged their sound back down into the ol' septic tank. The opening duo of "Creator" and "Hermit" show these gents relish performing through a turbines worth of overdriven whoosh, feedback blur and tinnitus ring. It's so damn noisy the vocals tend to get lost, clawing as best they can to keep ahead/on top of the scree. Most would turn down their gear and try to re-record. Bless these brave souls. Lord knows I'm lost just sitting here listening. The dust settles a tad as "Get Back Into This World" and "This Train" battle it out for most-likely-to-bend-the-ears of whoever ran the Nasty Product label, but both tunes just give up wherever a wicked lead should sprout up or pesky chorus would arrive to give listeners something to gnaw on. I wouldn't be surprised if most of this was made up on the spot. Certainly the Gimlies have spent less time honing these tracks than even the Bad Times LP. "Pink Flies" follows suit, but adds f/x garble and a warbled guit-fit to the shenanigans, vibing like the first Horrors LP. Don't start to think they went proper, though. The vocals are still coming from some poor sap, out drowning in a bog. More "songs" flail from the plate on the flip, scattering various shards of detritus to and fro - but the final track ("Into A Better World") gives up on challenging fidelity entirely and just lets the amplifier hum obliterate any instrumental separation. The grooves may have melted together in the long overseas transit for all I know, but I fear they actually wanted it to sound this way. Shit-mess of a trainwreck or not, I'm still smiling when it all comes to an end - and that doesn't happen nearly enough in these grim review times. Keep em coming you Finnish freaky-deakies! (RSF)
(Jumatsuga //

Arvostelijalta jäi mainitsematta Jumatsugan lisäksi julkaisijoista myös Gafoni sekä Urealis-Tuotanto.
Dr Pepper U-S-A :salut:

parit levyt olis vielä?

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Re: Atom Mouth Gimlies - Music on Quills LP

#111 Post by Lörsson. » 16 Aug 2017, 15:25

Turkulaiset voi käyä muuten Kaakosta kysymässä tätä. :P

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Re: Atom Mouth Gimlies - Music on Quills LP

#112 Post by Pornosta elannon saava(f) » 09 Sep 2017, 16:42

Aurora Urealis #3


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Re: Atom Mouth Gimlies - Music on Quills LP

#113 Post by Pornosta elannon saava(f) » 09 Sep 2017, 18:05

Lisätäämpä vielä se, että levyä on tarjolla reilun kuukauden päästä Kutosella. ... 1&t=433246

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Re: Atom Mouth Gimlies - Music on Quills LP

#114 Post by Pornosta elannon saava(f) » 19 Nov 2017, 16:49

Levyjä saa nyt myös vissiin kirjastoista ympäri Suomen. :P

En tiedä mikä radio tai vastaava tämä on, mutta tämmöinen kun Paznokciami po tablicy kirjoitti:
Jeśli macie wszystkiego dość, to w pierwszej kolejności wyłączcie natychmiast płyty, którym ktoś poświęcił więcej niż minutę w studiu, a następnie puście sobie Atom Mouth Gimlies. No-fi garage punk z Finlandii. Wskaźnik prymitywności na czerwonym. Pęka szybka syfometru. Wszystko się rozpierdala, prawie nic nie słychać. Są tu co prawda piosenki, ale pamięta się tylko sztorm w głośnikach. Perfekcyjny rock'n'roll. I jeszcze napisali sobie jajcarze na Bandcampie, że "no overdubbings".

If you're tired of everything, first immediately turn off albums, to which someone has dedicated more than a minute in a studio, a then put Atom Mouth Gimlies on. No-fi garage punk from Finland. Primitiveness pointer is in the red. The mess-o-meter glass is cracking. Everything's fucking up, you hear nothing. Perfect rock'n'roll. And on top of that, those prankters wrote "no overdubbings" on their Bandcamp.


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Re: Atom Mouth Gimlies - Music on Quills LP

#115 Post by Pornosta elannon saava(f) » 15 Dec 2017, 16:29

Vieläkään en tiedä varmaksi mistä kaikista kirjastoista tätä levyä on mahdollista lainata, mutta ainakin Helmetin tietokannassa on nyt tätä tuon Atom Mouth Gimlies / Lörsson 7'' lisäksi tarjolla. Joulukuun vinyyliuutuuksissa levystä kirjoitettiin näin. :P
ATOM MOUTH GIMLIES: Music on quills


Atom Mouth Gimlies herättää keikoillaan kuulijassa jonkinlaisen epäuskoisen mutta pohjimmiltaan erittäin onnellisen virnistyksen. Ollaan rockmusiikin kuumassa ytimessä, kun basisti takoo lattian rajassa roikkuvaa soitintaan raivopäisesti, rumpalin komppi kääntyilee akselinsa ympäri vapautuneesti ja kaikuefektin läpi huutolaulava kitaristi vyöryttää ilmoille eleetöntä ja jääräpäistä säröriffivallia. Music on quills -pitkäsoiton ovat julkaissut yhteistyönä yhtyeen oma Jumatsuga-levymerkki, Urealis-Tuotanto ja Gafoni. Viimeksimainittua pyörittää yksi kotimaisen nykyundergroundin legendaarisimmista rienaajista, Lörsson. AMG ja Lörsson ovat tehneet yhteistyötä myös vuonna 2014 julkaistun split-7":n muodossa.

10 vuotta ja kuukausi sitten tavattiin bändin jätkien kanssa ekan kerran ja noin reilu 13 kuukautta sitten ilmestyi tämä LP. :salut:

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Re: Atom Mouth Gimlies - Music on Quills LP

#116 Post by Lörsson. » 15 Dec 2017, 17:54

Aina ajankohtainen lätty. :P

Saatavilla esim. tänään Torvesta Räjän keikalta!

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Re: Atom Mouth Gimlies - Music on Quills LP

#117 Post by Pornosta elannon saava(f) » 15 Dec 2017, 20:22


Suositeltavaa musiikkia kaikille ATOM MOUTH GIMLIESin diggareille. :salut:

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Re: Atom Mouth Gimlies - Music on Quills LP

#118 Post by Lörsson. » 15 Dec 2017, 20:41


- I thought you fucked off.
- I did! But then I fucked back on again.

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Re: Atom Mouth Gimlies - Music on Quills LP

#119 Post by Recard » 29 May 2020, 16:34

Täähän oli itteltä jo loppuunmyyty, mutta olin unohtanut näitä yhdelle myyntitilille syksyllä '16. Niitä oli myyty tasan 0, eli kolme nopeinta voi lunastaa tällaisen RaRe OoP pUnK kIlLeRin multa 15€/kpl sis. pk :P

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Re: Atom Mouth Gimlies - Music on Quills LP

#120 Post by Recard » 03 May 2021, 15:55

kaks olis viel.

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